Thursday, December 17, 2009

Grist for Isaac's mill...

I wonder if this could be applied to this? I wonder...


isaac butler said...

Well, I think the truth of the matter is that many elite institutions have a roughyl 60/40 female/male ratio and they seek to correct that by either relaxing standards for men or trying to make their offer package more attractive to male applicants.

When i was applying to vassar, this was known, as in, it said ti right in the Princeton Review book and they talked about in admissions. Also, the school was in the midst of the first of several expensive athletic building enhanncements because someone high up at the school had learned that athletic alumni give more money! (they also tend to date rape more, as studies show).

Anyway... more grist for the mill: there was a study recently that showed that even ivy-educated blacks have a tougher time getting hired than their white counterparts. i'll try to dig it up and send it to you.

99 said...

Please do! I don't know if this suit will be successful, but it does strike me as a way of thinking about the workplace discrimination issues. If we look at the top 10 theatres in the country, by budget, and broke down their staff on race/gender lines, I wonder what picture it would present.