Monday, August 10, 2009


I've said it before: this anonymous thing kind of messes with your head. Basically, there are ways it brings out the worst in me. I can be as sharp-tongued as I want, since I'm protected, but it's hard to share good news or positive developments since I'm trying to protect my identity. After the last week of posts, I feel a bit like I'm turning into a crotchety bitter old guy, shaking my fist on my porch at anyone who comes too close. And, well, ugh. I'm actually not all that bitter, or angry. It's hard to be anonymously positive.

The second half of this summer has lacked a bit of focus for me. I was working on a new project that ran into delay after delay and now it looks like it will be put off for a while. The aforementioned day job is asking more from me. I've had some romantic misadventures. Add to that the general weird summer weather we've been having in New York and I've been a bit out of sorts. I think I've been taking it out on the theatre world.

So I'm calling a truce. This week, I'm only going to post positive things, positive ideas or observations, or, failing all of that, take a page from Matt Freeman's book, and post something funny. It may be theatre-related. It may not. We'll see. It's the dog days of summer. It's as good a time as any for a little vacation from the person I normally am.

So, internet, let's turn that frown upside down!

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